Featured consultations and engagement
Adult Social Care Payments - Paying for care and support
Slough Borough Council provides Adult Social Care Services ( for example homecare, daycare, direct payments) to some of the most vulnerable people living in the borough. The Council wants to ensure it is fair to people and that it is able to meet the duty to provide essential services to people into the future. It is important to give your views as a member of the community on these proposals so we can work out the impact of them and all work together to play our part in supporting...
Have your say
Adult Social Care Payments - Paying for care and support
Slough Borough Council provides Adult Social Care Services ( for example homecare, daycare, direct payments) to some of the most vulnerable people living in the borough. The Council wants to ensure it is fair to people and that it is able to meet the duty to provide essential services to people into the future. It is important to give your views as a member of the community on these proposals so we can work out the impact of them and all work together to play our part in supporting...
Pharmacy Contractor Questionnaire (PNA 2025)
Tell us about pharmaceutical services you provide Are you a dispensing practice doctor or a pharmacy contractor? If yes, then we want to hear about your services. Slough Borough Council is currently developing a revised Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), which is a legal requirement every three years and statutory responsibility of the Slough Health and Wellbeing Board. The PNA is a statement of current and future needs for pharmaceutical services in Slough. It also looks at...
Resident Engagement Questionnaire (PNA 2025)
Slough Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Surveys What are pharmaceutical services? In Slough, pharmaceutical services are provided from dispensing GP Practices (a GP Practice which can dispense medicines to patients under certain conditions), pharmacies (also known as chemists, and includes your local supermarket pharmacies and online / internet pharmacies), and appliance contractors (providers of specialist medical appliances such as stoma products). Pharmacies provide healthcare...
Invitation to residents: Propose a topic for investigation by the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee
Slough Borough Council’s ‘Overview and Scrutiny Committee’ agreed, in July 2024 its Forward Workplan of key scrutiny topics or each of its monthly meetings from September 2024 to April 2025 in July 2024. The Forward Workplan is not, however, set in stone and is constantly under review. The committee therefore welcomes your ideas for new topics you think it should investigate over the coming year. Any topics you proposed will be normally be considered by the Chair and Vice Chair...
Poyle Road: Experimental Northbound Width Restriction and Bus Gate Consultation
W e consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. For several years, Slough Borough Council has received feedback associated with HGV issues on Poyle Road and Bath Road (Colnbrook) from the Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council. The main traffic-related issues are the perceived speed and volume of HGVs passing...
Closed consultations and engagement
Slough Library Service Public Consultation
Consultation on proposed changes to library services We want your views on proposed changes to Slough libraries statutory services delivered through The Curve, Britwell, Cippenham and Langley libraries, and access to online services. Slough Borough Council is asking for residents' and stakeholders' views on proposals which will make changes to the library service and on other aspects of the service. We need your help to know how you use the library service now,...
Our Budget 2025-26
We want your views on the council revenue and capital budget for the year ahead. Initial proposals for the council’s finances for the next financial year have been published. The revenue budget covers annual income and spending from day to day running of the council. The capital budgets include income and spending which provides service or economic benefits, often over a longer period. The council budget covers funding for services, fees and charges, Council Tax rates, and...
Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 Consultation
What is this consultation about? Council Tax Support (CTS) is a benefit that helps people to pay their Council Tax bill. By law, the council must review each year how much it spends on Council Tax Support. The council is considering changing the amount of CTS that some people get towards their bill. We want your views on the proposed changes and any impact they would have on your household. We want to ensure the scheme continues to be viable and...
We Asked, You Said, We Did
Here are some of the issues we have previously asked you about and their outcomes. Check all outcomes
We asked
The existing SPZ is due to expire in November 2024.
The council, working with SEGRO, published a Draft SPZ (Simplified Planning Zone) for Slough Trading Estate for consultation in July and August this year.
You said
The comments received have now been considered, and a list of these will be published on the 11th October. The Council welcomes the responses made, and considers no major modifications are needed.
The intention is to discuss the proposal at Cabinet on 21 October 2024. The Report will explain why it recommends that the new SPZ is adopted to replace the current one.
We did
The next stage is formal notification of the intention to adopt, which we are sharing below. This will also be published in the local press.
Town And Country Planning Act 1990
Notice of intention to adopt proposals for making of a Simplified Planning Zone at Slough Trading Estate
Friday 11 October 2024
Slough Borough Council propose to adopt these scheme proposals without material modifications. Copies of the scheme proposals, and proposals are available for public inspection free of charge on the council's website or in person as follows :
- Slough Borough Council offices: Mon- Fri 9.30am - 4.45pm, Observatory House, Windsor Road, Slough SL1 2EL
- SEGRO Office : reception Mon-Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm, 258 Bath Road Slough Trading Estate Slough SL1 4DX
- Slough Museum: Check for opening times: 72 Buckingham Avenue Slough SL1 4PN
Slough Borough Council will adopt the proposals after 12 November 2024 .
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