Consultation Hub

Welcome to Slough Borough Council's Consultation Hub. This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you.

Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Open Consultations

  • Simplified Planning Zone 2024-2034 Deposit Consultation

    An SPZ has been operating on the Slough Trading Estate since 1995. The Council are working on proposals for a new SPZ to replace the one expiring in November this year. This consultation is the Formal Deposit Stage, which is the statutory process of consultation and engagement on the...

    Closes 19 August 2024

Closed Consultations

  • Have Your Say in Shaping the Future of Health and Wellbeing Services

    Slough Borough Council is redesigning its integrated health and wellbeing service, and we need your input! We want to: Understand the Needs of Our Residents and what our residents want from their health and wellness service. Develop a service that meets...

    Closed 28 June 2024

  • Invitation to residents: Propose a topic for investigation by the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee

    Slough Borough Council’s ‘Overview and Scrutiny Committee’ wants your ideas for topics it should investigate over the coming year. During the month of May, the ten local councillors who make up the committee will be considering how to prioritise this year’s ‘work programme’ – they are keen to...

    Closed 20 May 2024

  • Slough Air Quality Action Plan 2024-2028

    Slough Borough Council are consulting on a draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), which sets out the measures the Council intends to take between 2024 and 2028 to address poor air quality within the borough. This consultation is for all people who work, live, study and visit the Slough borough area....

    Closed 27 April 2024

  • Destination Farnham Road - Proposed Design Consultation

    We consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. Following our consultation last year, and a successful multi-million pound bid to the...

    Closed 11 February 2024

  • Equality Objectives Consultation

    Slough Borough Council is consulting on its equality objectives – a key part of our public sector equality duties under the Equality Act, 2010. The objectives set out what we aim to achieve over the next 4 years to: Reduce inequalities for Slough residents and service users ...

    Closed 2 February 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

See what we've consulted on.

We asked

We asked for your views on the council’s draft equality objectives. We asked if respondents agreed with each of the proposed objectives, to rank each objective in order of priority, if anything was missing from the objectives, and for any further comments relating to the objectives.

You said

40 people responded to the consultation. 67.5% of respondents were residents, 72.5% regularly worked in Slough, and 50% worked for Slough Borough Council.

There was strong support for the three objectives focused on residents, with 80-90% strongly agreeing or agreeing with the objectives. There was less support for the two objectives focused on the council’s workforce, with 65-72.5% strongly agreeing or agreeing. The three resident-focused objectives were ranked as the most important, with the two focused on children and young people being ranked as the two most important. There was a variety of additional comments from respondents, particularly on community safety and risks to women being missing from the objectives, the correlation between housing and health inequality, and the potential to combine the two children and young people focused objectives into one objective.

An analysis of the consultation responses was presented to Cabinet on 15 April 2024 and can be read on the council’s website.

We did

Changes were made to the objectives following feedback from the public consultation, stakeholders, additional data, and the LGA Equality Framework. Key changes relating to the consultation responses included combining the two objectives focused on children and young people into one objective, the addition of a new objective focused on community safety (particularly in relation to women and girls), and the specific mention of housing in relation to health inequalities. The objectives focused on the council’s workforce were also rewritten to reflect the LGA Equality Framework. The updated objectives and more detail on the changes can be read in the cabinet report.

Cabinet approved the updated objectives on 15 April 2024. Further information and reports on equalities can be found on the equality and diversity page on the council’s website.