Our budget for 2025-26
All councils are required by law to set a balanced budget each year. Work is currently underway to balance the council revenue and capital budget for the year ahead.
Over the coming months, we will also be asking your views on some of the proposals being put forward for changing the way the council works and delivers services in the borough to become a more efficient organisation. These surveys will be listed on this page once they are live.
What is the budget?
Revenue and capital budget
The revenue budget covers annual income and spending from the day to day running of the council.
The capital budget includes income and spending which provides service or economic benefits, often over a longer period.
What’s covered?
The council budget covers funding for services, fees and charges, Council Tax rates, and spending. Some elements are ring-fenced for specific areas, such as the Designated Schools Grant (DSG) and the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).
Services provided by the council are wide ranging, including waste collection, council housing, schools, social care, roads and highways, parks, and libraries.
The proposals
The first draft of the Budget proposal for 2025/26 has been published as part of the budget setting process.
The total revenue budget proposed is just over £183million. The council’s challenging financial position is well known, and the current budget gap is just over £17million.
This will be worked on until the final decision at the annual Budget Council meeting in February 2025.
Have your say
Adult Social Care Payments - Paying for care and support
Slough Borough Council provides Adult Social Care Services ( for example homecare, daycare, direct payments) to some of the most vulnerable people living in the borough. The Council wants to ensure it is fair to people and that it is able to meet the duty to provide essential services to people into the future. It is important to give your views as a member of the community on these proposals so we can work out the impact of them and all work together to play our part in supporting...
Closed consultations and engagement
Our Budget 2025-26
We want your views on the council revenue and capital budget for the year ahead. Initial proposals for the council’s finances for the next financial year have been published. The revenue budget covers annual income and spending from day to day running of the council. The capital budgets include income and spending which provides service or economic benefits, often over a longer period. The council budget covers funding for services, fees and charges, Council Tax rates, and...
Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 Consultation
What is this consultation about? Council Tax Support (CTS) is a benefit that helps people to pay their Council Tax bill. By law, the council must review each year how much it spends on Council Tax Support. The council is considering changing the amount of CTS that some people get towards their bill. We want your views on the proposed changes and any impact they would have on your household. We want to ensure the scheme continues to be viable and...
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