Adult Social Care Payments - Paying for care and support

Closes 31 Mar 2025

Opened 18 Feb 2025


Slough Borough Council provides Adult Social Care Services ( for example homecare, daycare, direct payments) to some of the most vulnerable people living in the borough.  The Council wants to ensure it is fair to people and that it is able to meet the duty to provide essential services to people into the future.

It is important to give your views as a member of the community on these proposals so we can work out the impact of them and all work together to play our part in supporting people who need assistance.

Slough Borough Council has been more generous than some of its neighbours for many years in applying the national charging guidance that all councils follow.  The council and community have difficult decisions to make now.

Risk and the ability to understand the situation are always taken into account when supporting someone, along with whether they are entitled to extra support from other sources or to discounts ( disability disregards) due to disability additional needs.

You can find out more detailed information in the documents attached in the "Related" section at the bottom of this page or see the easy read version below for a simplified overview of the proposals. 

The information in the documents below will give you the links to the national guidance with the current and next years rates, neighbouring council charges, a more detailed explanation of charging or look at the "Paying for your Care" page on SBC website. Paying for care in your own home – Slough Borough Council

You don't have to read all of the information to give your opinions and the easy read version may be enough for you to form a view.

If you are unable to complete the online survey or have questions you can phone 01753 690 408  and ask for a paper questionnaire or for more information on the adult social care charging consultation to be given to you.  You can also email to ask any questions.

How will these changes affect me?

If you currently receive and pay a contribution towards a service in the community like homecare, direct payments or other support provided by adult social care, these proposals, if agreed, would mean that you MAY pay a bit extra each week. A few people may have to start paying a contribution where they didn't before. 

We would inform you before you were charged anything new so you do not have to do anything now, apart from give your views.  


Why your views matter

Adult Social Care wants to hear your views as a person who uses services, a carer or provider of support services, or as someone who might have need of adult social care services in the future or as a member of the community. 

There is a free text box at the end of each of the survey questions to add any views you may have around charges and support needs.

Please take the time to complete the demographic questions at the end as this will help us determine if any particular groups are disproportionately affected by these proposals.

Related Surveys

During the months ahead, we will also be asking your views on some of the different proposals being put forward for related work for changing the way the council works and delivers services in the borough to become a more efficient organisation. You can view other budget related surveys on the Our Budget page.

Give us your views


  • Anyone from any background


  • Adult Social Care