40 results
Adult Social Care Payments - Paying for care and support
Slough Borough Council provides Adult Social Care Services ( for example homecare, daycare, direct payments) to some of the most vulnerable people living in the borough. The Council wants to ensure it is fair to people and that it is able to meet the duty to provide essential services to people into the future. It is important to give your views as a member of the community on these proposals so we can work out the impact of them and all work together to play our part in supporting... MoreOpened 18 February 2025 -
Our Budget 2025-26
We want your views on the council revenue and capital budget for the year ahead. Initial proposals for the council’s finances for the next financial year have been published. The revenue budget covers annual income and spending from day to day running of the council. The capital budgets include income and spending which provides service or economic benefits, often over a longer period. The council budget covers funding for services, fees and charges, Council Tax rates, and... MoreClosed 5 January 2025 -
Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 Consultation
What is this consultation about? Council Tax Support (CTS) is a benefit that helps people to pay their Council Tax bill. By law, the council must review each year how much it spends on Council Tax Support. The council is considering changing the amount of CTS that some people get towards their bill. We want your views on the proposed changes and any impact they would have on your household. We want to ensure the scheme continues to be viable and... MoreClosed 29 December 2024 -
Slough Library Service Public Consultation
Consultation on proposed changes to library services We want your views on proposed changes to Slough libraries statutory services delivered through The Curve, Britwell, Cippenham and Langley libraries, and access to online services. Slough Borough Council is asking for residents' and stakeholders' views on proposals which will make changes to the library service and on other aspects of the service. We need your help to know how you use the library service now,... MoreOpened 17 December 2024 -
Slough Borough Council's Children's services including Slough Children First would like to hear from you about how best we can work with local organisations, and community, faith and voluntary groups representing and supporting families and their children in Slough. The council is proposing a one-day Summit meeting with two main aims: To offer a space for the community,voluntary and faith leaders, who support and/or represent Slough's many different communities of children,... MoreClosed 4 December 2024 -
Poyle Road: Experimental Northbound Width Restriction and Bus Gate Consultation
W e consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. For several years, Slough Borough Council has received feedback associated with HGV issues on Poyle Road and Bath Road (Colnbrook) from the Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council. The main traffic-related issues are the perceived speed and volume of HGVs passing... MoreOpened 2 December 2024 -
Carers survey for replacement care
This survey aims to gather information that will contribute to improving support and services for carers. Your insights and experiences are invaluable in helping us understand the challenges and opportunities faced by carers in Slough. Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. We appreciate your honesty and time in providing us with this important information. ... MoreClosed 17 November 2024 -
Mental Health Strategy Survey: Your Voice, Your Future
Slough Borough Council is developing its Mental Health Strategy for 2024-2029, and we need your input. This strategy aims to improve mental health services and outcomes across the community, guiding mental health support in Slough for the next five years. It will ensure services are accessible, responsive, and tailored to the needs of our residents. By drawing on local data, national policy guidance, and a commitment to inclusivity, we are engaging with people who use mental health... MoreClosed 24 October 2024 -
Station Road Burnham Active Travel Scheme - Proposed Design Consultation
We consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. Following a successful bid to Active Travel England’s (Department for Transport) Active Travel Fund 4, we have developed a proposed design for improvements to Station Road (Burnham), including a new off-road, two-way, mostly-segregated cycle route along Station Road... MoreClosed 13 October 2024 -
Invitation to residents: Propose a topic for investigation by the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee
Slough Borough Council’s ‘Overview and Scrutiny Committee’ agreed, in July 2024 its Forward Workplan of key scrutiny topics or each of its monthly meetings from September 2024 to April 2025 in July 2024. The Forward Workplan is not, however, set in stone and is constantly under review. The committee therefore welcomes your ideas for new topics you think it should investigate over the coming year. Any topics you proposed will be normally be considered by the Chair and Vice Chair... MoreOpened 1 September 2024 -
Simplified Planning Zone 2024-2034 Deposit Consultation
The Deposit Consultation is now closed. On 11th October the Council published its Intention to Adopt A ‘Deposit’ draft version of the SPZ was subject to consultation using the Councils Website and consultation portal between 8 th July and 19 th August 2024. Adverts were placed for at least two weeks in the local press and the Estates Gazette. A total of 10,638 addresses were consulted within the area of the SPZ, as well as direct letters to 65 stakeholders (e.g. MHCLG,... MoreClosed 19 August 2024 -
Have Your Say in Shaping the Future of Health and Wellbeing Services
Slough Borough Council is redesigning its integrated health and wellbeing service, and we need your input! We want to: Understand the Needs of Our Residents and what our residents want from their health and wellness service. Develop a service that meets the needs of Slough residents. Your feedback is crucial. Join us in this important consultation to help shape a better, healthier future for everyone in Slough. ... MoreClosed 28 June 2024 -
Invitation to residents May 2024: Propose a topic for investigation by the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee
Slough Borough Council’s ‘Overview and Scrutiny Committee’ wants your ideas for topics it should investigate over the coming year. During the month of May, the ten local councillors who make up the committee will be considering how to prioritise this year’s ‘work programme’ – they are keen to hear suggestions for issues or services which need a closer look. They want to make a long-list of ideas from members of the public, officers of the council, fellow councillors, the... MoreClosed 20 May 2024 -
Slough Air Quality Action Plan 2024-2028
Slough Borough Council are consulting on a draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), which sets out the measures the Council intends to take between 2024 and 2028 to address poor air quality within the borough. This consultation is for all people who work, live, study and visit the Slough borough area. The action plan outlines an ambition to achieve a boroughwide nitrogen dioxide target concentration of <35μg/m 3 by 2028, and to revoke all of Slough Borough Council’s Air... MoreClosed 27 April 2024 -
Destination Farnham Road - Proposed Design Consultation
We consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. Following our consultation last year, and a successful multi-million pound bid to the government’s Levelling Up Fund Round 2, we have developed a proposed design for major improvements to Farnham Road and its side roads, including: a high quality... MoreClosed 11 February 2024 -
Equality Objectives Consultation
Slough Borough Council is consulting on its equality objectives – a key part of our public sector equality duties under the Equality Act, 2010. The objectives set out what we aim to achieve over the next 4 years to: Reduce inequalities for Slough residents and service users Reduce inequalities and promote diversity and inclusion for our workforce For further information, please see: Cabinet Report and Detailed... MoreClosed 2 February 2024 -
A4 Cycle Route and Road Safety Improvements
UPDATE Monday 25 September 2023: We've extended the consultation closing date to 11.59pm on Friday 29 September 2023. We consult residents, commuters, businesses, and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. We have developed proposals for a new off-road, mostly segregated, two-way, cycle route alongside the A4 between Huntercombe Lane and Uxbridge Road, with... MoreClosed 29 September 2023 -
Housing Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation
We are currently developing our Housing Resident Engagement Strategy and we need your input to shape our approach. Resident involvement is important to hold us to account and ensure we are delivering safe and quality homes. Resident Engagement is about: how we find out what matters to our tenants and leaseholders and what you need from us, your landlord meaningful ways that tenants and leaseholders can work closely with us to influence and... MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
SBC Corporate Plan Consultation
Slough Borough Council is consulting on its Corporate Plan - a key strategy document that sets out the vision for the council and what we hope to deliver in the borough. The plan sets out SBC's: Purpose - our key mission statement and driving focus for the council Approach - the type of council we wish to be, our values, how we will work and our relationship with residents Priorities - the key challenges we will look to address over the next four years MoreClosed 7 August 2023 -
Slough Children’s Centres Consultation
What are Children’s Centres? Children’s Centres in Slough are to help provide the best start for under 5’s and their parents in Slough. This is done by improving: child development and school readiness parenting aspirations and parenting skills child and family health and life chances Why do Slough Borough Council need to make changes? Following a review of Children’s Centres, Slough... MoreClosed 17 March 2023 -
Salt Hill Way Parking & White Close Consultation
As you are aware we previously introduce a Controlled Parking Zone, (CPZ), to Salt Hill Way and White Close. Waiting and loading restrictions were introduced at junctions and other strategic locations to improve safety. Resident permit bays were also introduced to organise and regulate vehicular parking. The resident permit bays operated from Monday to Sunday at all times, with an option of 1-hour free parking and no return period of 2 hours . The CPZ was introduced through... MoreClosed 10 March 2023 -
Resident Parking Consultation P2
As you are aware we previously introduced a Controlled Parking Zone, (CPZ), to several locations in the Chalvey area. The roads included were Alexandra Road, Brammas Close, Chalvey Road West, Church Street, Clive Court, Greenwatt Way, High Street Chalvey, Ladbrooke Road, The Green, Turton Way and White Hart Road. Waiting and loading restrictions were introduced at junctions and other strategic locations to improve safety. Resident permit bays were also introduced to organise and regulate... MoreClosed 10 March 2023 -
Destination Farnham Road - Levelling Up Fund Bid
We are Slough Borough Council’s Transport Planning team. We plan changes to our roads, footways and public realm. MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
A4 Safer Roads - Speed Limit Reduction
We consult residents, commuters, businesses and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. Background The government announced, on 28 November 2016, a £3 billion roads investment package, £100 million of which was targeted at reducing the number and severity of fatal and serious injury collisions on 50 of England’s local 'A' road sections - the Safer Roads Fund . Of... MoreClosed 7 October 2022 -
James Elliman Academy Trial School Street - Resident Survey
*Update 5 September 2022 Survey extended to 30 September 2022 We're Slough Borough Council's Transport team, and we're working with schools in the Borough. We're seeking to understand how children, their parents / carers, and staff are travelling to / from school, and to review any transport issues. MoreClosed 30 September 2022 -
Slough E-scooter Rental Trial Scheme Survey
We consult residents, commuters, businesses and stakeholders to understand what people think about proposed developments, changes to our roads and pavements, or other traffic-related issues. Updated 29 July 2022 – Consultation period extended to 31 August 2022 Updated 11 August 2022 – Extension of trial to May 2024 and information updated Updated 29 November 2022 – Suspension of trial on 30 November 2022 MoreClosed 31 August 2022 -
Home to School Travel Assistance and Post 16 Travel Assistance Policy
Slough Council’s Home to School Travel Assistance Policy explains the eligibility criteria for travel assistance for children, with and without special educational needs, of statutory school age (5-16 years old), for children under 5 and for young people aged 16-19 and 19-25 and describes how the Council fulfils its duties and exercises its discretionary powers as set out in the Education Act 1996 and subsequent legislation and guidance. The Council is keen to provide a... MoreClosed 21 July 2022 -
Levelling Up Fund - Salt Hill Park and Western Gateway
This consultation is now closed This consultation was an opportunity for people to have their say on the vision for this proposed scheme and provide some general feedback on how it could be improved, as we had not yet prepared detailed designs. We asked people to tell us how they currently use this area and its facilities, to list any existing problems that need addressing, and to tell us about improvements they would like to see and any potential issues with our vision. Their... MoreClosed 30 June 2022 -
Levelling Up Fund - Farnham Road Bus Accessibility
This consultation is now closed This consultation was an opportunity for people to have their say on the vision for this proposed scheme and provide some general feedback on how it could be improved, as we had not yet prepared detailed designs. We asked people to tell us how they currently use this area and its facilities, to list any existing problems that need addressing, and to tell us about improvements they would like to see and any potential issues with our vision. Their... MoreClosed 30 June 2022 -
Levelling Up Fund - Background Information
We are Slough Borough Council’s Transport Planning team. We consult residents, commuters, businesses and stakeholders to understand what they think about proposed changes to our roads, footways and public realm. MoreClosed 30 June 2022
40 results.
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