Simplified Planning Zone 2024-2034 Deposit Consultation

Closed 19 Aug 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024

Results expected 31 Oct 2024

Feedback expected 31 Oct 2024


An SPZ has been operating on the Slough Trading Estate since 1995. The Council are working on proposals for a new SPZ to replace the one expiring in November this year.

This consultation is the Formal Deposit Stage, which is the statutory process of consultation and engagement on the New SPZ Scheme.

How to take part

This consultation contains a lot of information so is presented on different pages to give the opportunity to comment on each section.

The top of each page has this bar that will show you where you are: 

You are here 1 Written Scheme > 2 Design Code > 3 Plans > 4 Appendices > 5 Evidence base > conclusion

  • The Scheme - the written conditions and informatives
  • Design Code - this is Appendix one
  • Appendices - including the Design Code 
  • Plans - the spatial plan of what is allowed where
  • The supporting evidence base that was used to inform the SPZ
  • Concluding the consultation and making a representation

You can move through the information as you like by scrolling to the bottom of each page and pressing 'continue'. The last two pages confirm your submisson if you have made one, and provide the option of emailing you a copy.  For us to formally consider your comments ( referred to as 'making a representation') you need to provide your name and postal contact details, we also ask for an email address so we can keep in touch. 

You can also download the documents that form part of this consultation at the bottom of this page. 

What is the Simplified Planning Zone Scheme? 

The SPZ scheme is a specialised 10 year planning permission that allows permission in advance for pre agreed proposals. This saves time and allows for the greater benefits of long term planning compared to individual planning applications. The SPZ Scheme provides rules about what can go where and how, and once adopted no further changes can be made. This also means if the development proposed complies with the SPZ Scheme, there is no need to obtain individual planning permissions.

Non Technical Summary

You may want to read the Non Technical Summary first to get an overview and identify what you might want to know more about. 

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Download it here: Non Technical Summary

This information is also available to view in person at :

  • Slough Borough Council Observatory House Reception 25 Windsor Road Slough SL1 2EL- Mon- Fri between 9.30am and 4.45pm
  • SEGRO Office 258 Bath Road Slough Trading Estate Slough SL1 4DX - At reception Mon-Fri between 9.00am and 5.00pm
  • Slough Museum 72 Buckingham Avenue Slough SL1 4PN -Please check opening times online at,

Why your views matter

We want you to know the SPZ is happening and what it means. We also welcome your objections, support or comments, but for your views to be formally taken into account they must specify the matters to which they relate, the grounds on which they are made, and be received in writing by 23:59 on 19th August 2024 to Planning Policy, SBC, SL1 2EL, or via email to , or online here. They may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address of the withdrawal, adoption, approval or rejection of the proposals, and if you would like to be notified if we have a Hearing to debate them.

What happens next

SEGRO and Slough Borough Council (the ‘Local Planning Authority’) will consider any representations made by the consultees as part of this consultation before determining the content of the proposals in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Simplified Planning Zones) Regulations 1992, Regulation 3. The Council will then aim to progress to adoption with approval (required) by the Councils Cabinet ahead of the current SPZ expiring. 


  • Anyone from any background


  • Economics